Sunday, November 12, 2006

See, Hear, Sprechen?

On Tuesday a human rights group plans to file a complaint in a German court seeking criminal prosecution of outgoing Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, US Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, and former CIA Director George Tenet. The group alleges Rummy et al sanctioned torture of prisoners in US custody and intends to . . .

Wait a second . . . Germany?

Who died and appointed Germany human rights protector of the world?

And Germany?

As in the Germany that killed the Jews in the holocaust?

Sixty years pass and you think you can legitimately wiggle your 'shame on you for violating human rights' finger?

And at the man who brought the world NutraSweet and Equal?

How many lives has THAT saved?

Somebody please revive Patton because I think Germany needs another ass kicking. Wait. Patton believed in reincarnation.

Calling Steven Seagal . . .


At 11/13/2006 12:56 PM, Blogger Q. said...

You think Rumsfeld is afraid of some Jetta-driving Germans?


Can you imagine that trial? Rumsfeld responding to cross-examination:

"Well, I don't know what you mean by 'secret.' Did we have prisons that we didn't tell people about? Yes. Do we also have considerations for national security? Yes. So, I'm not sure what you wanted us to do, specifically, but... I'm sorry, what was the original question?"

Oh Rummy... sock it to those Jerries!


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