Sunday, November 05, 2006

Boob Tube

Confidential to you, Truck Companies:

I am a member of the 24-45 male demographic. I enjoy watching football. The combination of these two items does not mean I am planning on buying a shitty oversized truck. So please, in the name of God's holy day and the church of football, stop ruining my viewing experience with the constant -- CONSTANT -- truck commercials.

Also, hide John Cougar Mellencamp... if Z. ever sees him on the street, he's gonna get cut. For Reals (and for deads).

Love and kisses,



At 11/06/2006 11:18 AM, Blogger Paul Zhao said...

It's true that you're not looking to buy a truck, but in your demographic, if 0.1% of the population IS looking for a truck, then it's probably worth it for them to do so.

Also the "branding" purpose of the commercials. You're not in the market to buy a truck, but if enough of their commercials play, you'll associate "trucks" with their brand. So if you ever ARE in the market to buy a truck, you'll think of their brand.

At 11/06/2006 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen Q. John Cougar at every commercial break makes me want to stab someone. Namely Paul Zhao.


At 11/06/2006 12:45 PM, Blogger Paul Zhao said...

I'm just a simple marketing professional giving reasons why annoying commercials are played. That's the time to catch up on other things, such as getting food/beer, writing/reading Emails on your laptop, or write a blog or two. It ususally takes me a few commercials to write a blog.

At 11/06/2006 1:51 PM, Blogger Q. said...

First: I don't trust GM to make "the right decisions" when it comes to anything, much less advertising.
Second: As a simple marketing professional, you must understand the concept of "saturation," which is the point where consumers say, "eck, enough is enough." It is why people like you have jobs -- as we need new ads to replace the ads that are old and tiresome. We have gone way past the point of saturation with these truck ads.
Third: These commercials are not "annoying" on their face (though Z. might credibly argue the opposite with "our country") -- my point was that the repetition was egregious and counterproductive. I was addressing the ineptitude of the media buyers, not necessarily the merits of the ads, themselves.

Thank you for playing, though.

At 11/06/2006 2:42 PM, Blogger Paul Zhao said...

Personally, I think annoying repitition is great for brand reinforcement. But I'm not sure if it's cost-effective.

If it costs the same to have 3 commercials during a game as it does to have 30, I think most marketing professionals will pick 30, there's no such thing as "counterproductive" through repetition of commmercials.

With that being said, I didn't watch the game, so I wouldn't know exactly how "annoying" it was to the average consumer.

At 11/06/2006 11:44 PM, Blogger Q. said...

"Uh, yes, I would like 30 oranges for the price of 3, please." What are you even talking about? This is prime time my friend -- these commercials have been running during the World Series and during highly rated NFL games. There's no blue plate special for that kind of media buy. This isn't the Wash Post -- the First Estate is dead, Paul, say a quiet prayer and be on your way. God, is a shout in the street...

At 11/07/2006 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with Q. all the way on this. Mellencamp should be executed and every copy of that godforsaken song destroyed. Those Chevy commercials are almost as bad as the Ford commercials with Toby Keith's fat face all over them. The notion that Toby Keith has to "get up early" and "be on time" for some job involving a pickup truck, sleeveless shirt and manual labor is just fucking dumb. I'd like to smack him in his big, ugly head and knock that goddam hat off of it. Oh, and by the way Ford, if you're going to feature a performer in your commercial, it might help to equip him with an instrument that matches the song he's supposedly playing.

Man do I hate Toby Keith.


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