Monday, February 05, 2007

Coke Cares About Black People

Dear Coca-Cola,

Thank you for helping us celebrate the HISTORIC occasion of TWO African-Americans reaching the Super Bowl as coaches. As your advertisements suggest, this was a ground-breaking event that is on-par with "I have a dream" and Rosa Parks. Now, young, clean, bright, fresh black men everywhere will aspire to do more with their lives -- JUST LIKE LOVIE SMITH!

If you continue to help us break down these stereotypes and commemorate the advancement of equality, I'm certain we can one day (my fingers are crossed!!!) proudly extol the virtues of our first black President of the United States!

I just hope he's articulate -- because f** me if I don't understand a word of what most black people say.

Thanks again for creating commercials that trivialize an entire half-century of civil-rights advancement. You are our "bruthas in this struggle." Stay strong. We're all in this together!



At 2/05/2007 5:11 PM, Blogger M. said...

It sort of begs the question...what other movements in history have been unknowingly sponsored by soft drinks?

Women's Suffrage? Tab.

Gay Rights? Diet Pepsi, natch.

Thank god. I was beginning to think i was the only black person on this blog....


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