Thursday, October 05, 2006

Are you there God? It’s me, Rep. Foley (R-Fla.) Redux

Sorry about that. Had to answer a couple emails, and then I got paged. (If you take my meaning.)

Anyhoo—what’s it been—the last prayer breakfast? Seriously, we have got to catch up sometime.

But the reason I’m here, God, is that I want to assure you that contrary to whatever you may have heard, I did NOT…I repeat, did NOT drink while I was on duty. I’ve done a lot of things in my time and a lot of it was sex with minors, but I NEVER, EVER drank on the job.

I just wouldn’t do that.

Also, between you and me, Hastert is an asshole. So's Fordham.

I probably wouldn't kick him out of bed, though.



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