Thursday, September 21, 2006

It Takes a Village (of idiots)

NTC got really heavy a few months ago. I just couldn’t carry it any longer, so I enlisted my friend, P, to help. That just made things worse. My back and shoulder pain persisted, AND I had to endure long-unfunny-yawner posts. That’s when I shouted, to no one in particular, “Enough is enough!”

So now we’ve got a whole bevy of contributors to NTC. They are all smarter and funnier than I am, which means lots of posts will be deleted out of utter jealousy. I axed them to write a short description of themselves and I provided an example of how I’d do it. Being the creative souls that they are, they followed my example exactly. Good news for a control-freak like me, bad news for readers hoping to see some variety.

So here they are: “C,” “M,” and “Z.” *Sigh* I realize (much, much too late) that this blog just became all about Class A drugs and jokes about finance. Oh well.

The Usual Suspects

C. Confused, lost, poor. Carries the stench of poverty like a badge of honor. Unable to see how others are laughing at him.

M. Two parts whiskey, three parts coke, a whole lot of Truth. Stir.

Z. Two words: Numbers don't lie. Lost in his twenties never to return. Lethal in copious amounts or Tuesday evenings. Literal. Careful. Reflective.


At 9/21/2006 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello..."J" here....I would also like to add that "Z" is well versed in world travel and is certified as an instructor of the Mexican Polka. Gotta give credit where credit is due.


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