Immigrant-Palooza '06
A few thoughts, questions, and musings on yesterday’s “rally”:
1. All those who believe illegal immigration provides cover for “agents of terror” were dealt a defeat yesterday, as thousands of “potentially illegal” immigrants gathered in THE NATION’S CAPITAL and nothing blew up. (caveat: ...yet.)
2. I have never seen the Green Line to Columbia Heights so crowded.
3. I have never seen Transit Police, out in force, at the Columbia Heights Metro stop.
4. Hey Ted Kennedy, we know your family has a tradition of Irish immigration. But, since your Daddy made his fortune on illegal bootlegging, and because you are one of the most privileged fat-cats in this city, maybe you’re not the best spokesperson for this immigration movement. Oh, and maybe you speaking Spanish is offensive. To everyone.
5. How many lawns in Reston went un-mowed yesterday?
6. I’m always hearing that immigrants are all about the “jobs that other Americans won’t do.” How is it, then, that in my neighborhood the potholes aren’t filled, the garbage is still all over the alley, and none of the weeds have been removed from my garden? Seems like there was just a whole lot of standing around and full-throated shouting about entitlement. I’m pretty sure DC already has ENOUGH of that. Immigration Myth #1 (jobs Americans don’t want): Busted!
7. How can you (with a straight face) argue that legalizing people who came to the U.S. illegally is keeping with the tradition of a country that was built on the hard work of legal immigrants and the rule of law?
8. Do you need a permit to demonstrate on The Mall?
9. This whole mess is on YOU, House of Representatives (read: Rep. Sensenbrenner)... it’s all on you.