Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I Don't Know

Why does anyone start a blog? I think this inaugural post is supposed to be all about why I decided to post my thoughts, experiences, and complaints on the web. But, really, I don't know why. As I've already asked, why does anyone start a blog? Its got to be boredom, right? I think trying to make your blog out to be anything other than a self-indulgent time-filler makes you a sanctimonious asshole. DC is already full of those.

This post, then, is a coming clean -- of sorts. I'm saying, "Hey, I'm bored and I'm going to write about some shit that happens to me." Nothing more, nothing less. I wouldn't call it a mission statement; because, really, I'll probably end up complaining and philosophizing and sermonizing just like everyone else. And, if the posts end up being "clever," and my title becomes some ironic, hipster-sly-wink -- get over it. It's my fucking blog.


At 8/02/2005 5:22 PM, Blogger Bill said...

Sometimes, writing down what you're think helps give you a better perspective on what it is you mean. Of course, the whole lack of privacy thing can get tricky at times.

As for self-indulgence. Nah, not all of them. Sometimes it actually takes effort and a plan.

At 8/02/2005 5:56 PM, Blogger Q. said...

I don't know if I have a plan, Bill, but I'll put some effort into -- try and make it good for "the people."

At 8/02/2005 6:07 PM, Blogger kob said...

it's just fun, that's all. good luck with it. Cheers,

At 8/03/2005 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8/03/2005 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you doing a blog?

At 8/03/2005 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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